The first "Our Daily Chronicles" ran out of space! So, we have begun Chapter Two. If you want to pop back and catch up on what has been happening up till now, just go to

Friday 12 October 2012


We left Tuesday morning and arrived home Friday late night.
It sure was an action packed few days of  which we both loved every moment!

Coming into Kaikoura

Kaikoura is surrounded by gorgeous mountains

We met Deeanne and Brieanna in Blenheim for lunch 

and then all 4 of us  headed for Picton!

The ferry coming in made for a lovely sight!

We went to The Barn for tea!

There was a cute man in the corner...

Next morning, we had breakfast at a restaurant overlooking the foreshore. A ferry was coming in again!

We found Picton quite cute, but rather a 'tired' little town now.

20 mins away is Blenheim, which is far more lively and buzzing!
We ended up going there three times!

We discovered that everyone had forgotten their hair-gear except I had a comb!
One comb between the four of us, and not much of a comb at that!
But we managed!

Tired after much shopping, we found a comfy cafe in Blenheim!

Heath and Deeanne played chess

So, what I hadn't yet mentioned, was that we hit the op shops.

I laid the stuff out on the bed back at the motel unit..

(Not ALL this is op-shop, but almost!)

You never know.....

Of course, I'll be cutting most of them up, and playing around with them....

Last morning, in front of out unit.

Gusto, a really nice cafe, for breakfast!

We went back to Blenheim, en route to Nelson.

Everyone must go to the Pie and Pav shop!
It's a seconds shop, with amazing food prices.

I popped in to visit Rebecca's mother, in a rest home. 
Not well and didn't recognise me, but what a dear, beautiful woman.

Onto Giesen's Winery for lunch at Renwick....

It has an Italian influence.  

We sat in a courtyard which was really beautiful.

There were really only two options to choose from on the menu!
The Stockman's Platter
The Cheeses Platter!

We then drove on to Nelson.
The aim was to visit Mike's mother who has broken her arm and is in hospital.

Nola was there feeding her dinner!

Heath and I stayed the night at Estelle's house and then went back in the morning for another visit.

She has received some priceless letters from her great grandchildren (Alana's children)

Dear Nan,
I hope you are feeling better soon.
Love from Pax  xox
(he is 5)

Dear Nan,
You are my best nan I have ever had.
I can't wait till my birthday.
Love Tuscani.

Tuscani's extra wee picture!   Isn't it gorgeous!  Tears!

We left Estelle and headed home. 
The trip took a LOT longer than we intended.

As we passed Evelyn and Philip's house, Evelyn was out in the garden, so we stopped to say hello.

She tempted us in (their honey shop) with a real fruit icecream!

They make Royal Nector from their honey!

Skin care face cream. Anti wrinkle.  They have had incredible results.

So Camilla found it, and loved it. 
mentioned it to Princess Anne and Kate Middleton 
and they use it too!

Made right here in this honey business in Quinneys Bush!

Buy it here!

Philip joined us too, we walked over to their gorgeous quaint cottage, and met Dusky!

Stopped at Murchison for a bite of dinner!

While eating, who should come in but 

Isobel, Helene and Dalton.

(Going to Nelson for the weekend!)

We all had tea together and then parted ways in opposite directions!

As we passed the Hanmer turnoff, I remarked to Heath that Dad and Marilyn were in Hanmer for the weekend.  I believe they went there to celebrate Dad's birthday!

So we decided, on a whim, to pop in and see if we could find them.

And there they were, at the Heritage Restaurant having dinner!

They were thrilled!
So were we!

So they entreated us to stay and have dessert with them.
I am so glad we got to share in celebrating his birthday!

"Three Icecreams"

"Licorice Parfait"

We finally reached home almost midnight!

And the grand finale of the story is,
the next day (today) Heath sold his car!!

So, no more trips in that lovely car!



Danielle turned 16!

The girls!

Chantelle (sister) , and Flossie

Flossie, Sophie, Madeline, Ruby, Bridget, Lara.

Victoria, Georgia, Danielle, Chantelle, Floss, Sophie, Bridget, Lara, 
and little sister at the front (I'll come back with her name!)

Victoria with her gorgeous lilac 5 inch wedges!

Some of the boys...

Jono, Heath and Rupert..


Deanna, the hostess!

She is an incredible cook and hostess!


Veronica and Jocelyn (home from Sri Lanka on a visit)

It was a wonderful birthday party!