The first "Our Daily Chronicles" ran out of space! So, we have begun Chapter Two. If you want to pop back and catch up on what has been happening up till now, just go to

Friday 29 March 2013


This morning, the sun was gorgeous, and I'm alone for the day, so decided to first

....... pick the little crop of cranberries......

I'm googling now, what to do with them!
At least I beat the birds!

Then the last of the apples...... not in the best shape, but very thrilling to have them!

My life has become very simplified and even rather 'small' now. We are living quietly. It's a choice, of course, and at this time, is very nourishing for our tired souls!   Tired from the adrenaline of earthquakes, huge living disruptions, and all else between.  

Off to the little pine copse next door to collect more cones. Feeling a bit like those ants preparing for the winter!

Difficult to get pics as it was so very dappled.

You go in here.....

Then up here..... it wends its way quite sharply uphill.

Pretty massive half uprooted tree at some stage.

Looking across to the corner and back of our section, having now climbed quite a way above it (things look much smaller and more insignificant when you view them further back!!)

There is the little pine tree grove...

 A goodly amount of cones gathered!!

Crabapple tree still in full fruited bloom!!

Thursday 28 March 2013


I've been pretty ill for almost 2 weeks. 
On my first day out of bed, I went for a stroll in the bright sunshine to see most of the black boy peaches on the ground. I picked them all up and thought I'd get the rest the next day.
But the next day there was nothing to be seen!
The birds had finished them off!

There's the tree...


Going to have to find out about those spotty leaves????

Fired up for winter!!!


Heath caught one by hand.
Up close they are sooooooooooooooooooooooo sweet!
Those adorable eyes and ears and fur. So delicate. This was a baby one!

At first, he wanted to  keep it!
we spent hours looking up google about how to house him, what to feed him... and then it began to get a bit hard....

so, back to the garden he went!

Google said he will now smell of human scent which means his life is ruined!

You cant win, can you sometimes!

(pics taken in the half light)

Isn't he so KISSABLE!

Irony if ever I saw it. Rest the wee poppet on his gun!!!!!!


Mike and Iain

Many of the Blair cousins... the older ones not all there!!

Being Heaths birthday, Tracey made him a card out of what she could find at Robbies!!!


Mike and Heath wanted to do this from the day we arrived, so now we have left, they could!!!



Very large and important cruise ship came into Akaroa Harbour Thursday 14th March.

I went to see it.

You could have a boat tour out to see it, but it was $65 so I felt I better not!

As she is so large you couldn't see her from Akaroa and had to drive to another bay to see her where she was anchored further out.
I took too many pics but that is one beautiful ship!

Ahhhhhh my first glimpse!


Lots happened in the month of January and February!

Kent came home, and we met Isaac for breakfast at Drexells ... Isaac then headed off up north on his bike!

Kent trying it all out!

Isaac ready to roll!

GUY came home too! Hadn't seen him for 8 months!

Good old South City!

Where it all happens!


On the way to view.. at The Diner in Little River


I've taken loads of random pics so will put them all on here for you to skim through!
Both Guy and Kent happened to be at home when we bought it! Amazing!

This is in your cottage when you come and stay!

Looking out cottage window onto the gorgeous greengage tree!

Old drey goes with the property!

Our bedroom has an attic and amazing beams.

Seems like the beams are there to stay.....

Heaths room (some of the old owners stuff) and haveing a conflab how to arrange it!

I heard of beds being hung from the ceiling on chains and all sorts.

Left it up to them!!

The Guest Cottage

Amazing original Victorian seating.
Back then they didn't have picnic gear, so built it in in concrete!
Its beginning to crumble a  bit but worth preserving!

Here is another piece of it... not in such good shape now.

1940's bike ... also goes with the place it seems.
Sits under the ancient 100 year old grape vine!

The Oak lawn

Back view of house.
Heaths room.


Apparently, according to the last owners, the horse radish we buy is not horseradish! Its some other concoction! So this is very special according to them. Apparently you grate it (or something)!!
Guess we have time to work that one out (I never liked horseradish anyway!)

Little herb garden at front door.

We have a creek, and this is the wee tiny cute bridge over it - into a completely different garden of bush!
Will be so exciting developing this part!

More pics on house later.

With the others at The Diner, Little River (kid friendly)

Old Masonic Lodge now converted to a shop in Little River Village.

Birdlings Flat

Bunrunner, Fitzgerald Ave

 Kent and Chrissy

Trying out Guys electric bike!!

things are pretty serious

Ladies lunch!
Thanks yet again, Marilyn!

Chilling out in the caravan before we moved. Its what we do!

Grandken showing the boys all his OLD old books from when he kept the books by hand.

 Max has a lovely girlfriend.

Fiat 127
My first car back in 1978.
Found one on the side of the road. Memories!!

Gorgeous wheels. Mine weren't like that!!

 Heaths cross bow... boys had some shots, but it got broken!

More of the hoose

Outside Mike's and my bedroom.
Wonderful place to have breakfast!

Steps  up to the back of the section where the old Victorian seating is.
Peach tree on left. Olive on right.

Looking back from the steps to the drive and gate.

Sorry about the random pics, all over the place, but bear with it!

Back at old place, someone gave us about 50 huge sponge cakes for the chooks.
They were so heartily sick of it, I reckon that's why Blondie died (a bit later on!)

They went hunting with Quintin



The only kid! Poor Blair! Luckily he had his ipad.
He suffered beautifully though!


Coffee at home before we left.

Pegasas Beach!
(New to us! We never knew it existed!!)

Pukeko Junction

Called in on Uncle Denne.
Love these two!!

With Paul and Celia

Roseanne and Bruce, Canada.
Rhoda and Bernie, Perth (cruise ship visit)

Bye bye

They go back to their ship in the harbour in one of their lifeboats.

Came home to find this from Suzanne and Guy!

Robert, Lynley visited.

 Sorting out 30 years of linen buildup, and this was about half of it!!!!

Heath had never had a bath since he was a baby! So the adventure began. Our water here is discoloured but safe!   He took some time to prepare for this new experience.
A book, hot chocolate... and he was set!

Roseanne and Bruce came to dinner, with Dad and Marilyn

Some long lost cousins of Mikes came to Chch so we all met at Dennys!

Tracey came out to lunch one fine day.

LOVE these antique pansies.

The chimney sweep came

Rebecca came to visit!  Bearing fine gifts!!!

  Just adore dining here overlooking the garden...

So so hot outside, but loving the air conditioning!

Heaths new car!!

Heath and I making kindling out of cabbage tree leaves (dried)

To guard the almost ripe grapes.
Put up the bird netting.
But didnt have enough to cover underneath, so naturally the birds arent stupid.
We never got a one!

In the orchard there are three apple trees and two nashi pears.
The birds got the LOT ... except this final tree of apples just coming ripe now.
I better try get them first!

The Orchard

Massive clean up of the walk to the woodshed.
Found new paths you couldn't see before!!

Not so happy.
Taking a load of empty cardboard boxes to town.
The tarp flew off about one inch down the road. Poor Heath... we only lost one box tho!

Philippa and Clair came to dinner.

ROSEANNE came down to the Ellerslie Flower Show.
We had the biggest hoot EVER!!!!!!!

Visited Mary and her show flower garden, which she won another prize for!

 Lots of colour!

ELLERSLIE FLOWER SHOW... with Marilyn, Roseanne and myself.

I did take a great many pics but as it takes so long to upload them, I won't!   You can look on any google page and find professional ones!!!

When we arrived we were so cold we found a bin with ten dollar scarves, so bought one each!!!

High Tea

Not sure what this is about!!!

Fashion Parade
All clothes made and created from recycled materials.

Marilyn bought this lovely merino cardie

Loved this mans gorgeous apron!

Roseanne and I went to Akaroa for the day.


Duvauchelle .....

Akaroa beach. Small and insignificant, but Roseanne had a swim and declared it delicious!

Welsh people came to dinner! Also Dad and Marilyn, Lynley and Robt.

Rosanne Heath and I went to visit Chook Manor to see about traps for possums stoats and what have you!

We felt it was clear to see that only a man lived here! This isn't a woman's clothes line!

Great art!

Farmer girl Roseanne teaching Heath how to chop up a rabbit to catch a rabbit in a trap!

If anyone is annoyed right now at getting rid of rabbits..... well, I was too.
They are the sweetest things hopping around in families all over the gardens and lawns.

Until I discovered they were eating all my parsley.
NOW I say, do your best, McGiver


As Roseanne had seen a stoat, she decided a post mortem was in order on Blondies neck and body.
Had she been attacked??

But no.
She simply laid down, and died.
I hope there is a chook heaven somewhere:)

Hilltop Tavern Saturday night fish and chips!

Morning tea at Kerrys house. Deeanna came too.

New bookshelf!

Another beautiful basket

People are soooo kind!