The first "Our Daily Chronicles" ran out of space! So, we have begun Chapter Two. If you want to pop back and catch up on what has been happening up till now, just go to

Friday 29 March 2013


This morning, the sun was gorgeous, and I'm alone for the day, so decided to first

....... pick the little crop of cranberries......

I'm googling now, what to do with them!
At least I beat the birds!

Then the last of the apples...... not in the best shape, but very thrilling to have them!

My life has become very simplified and even rather 'small' now. We are living quietly. It's a choice, of course, and at this time, is very nourishing for our tired souls!   Tired from the adrenaline of earthquakes, huge living disruptions, and all else between.  

Off to the little pine copse next door to collect more cones. Feeling a bit like those ants preparing for the winter!

Difficult to get pics as it was so very dappled.

You go in here.....

Then up here..... it wends its way quite sharply uphill.

Pretty massive half uprooted tree at some stage.

Looking across to the corner and back of our section, having now climbed quite a way above it (things look much smaller and more insignificant when you view them further back!!)

There is the little pine tree grove...

 A goodly amount of cones gathered!!

Crabapple tree still in full fruited bloom!!


  1. ThIs all looks so amazing Caroline! A lot of work I am sure, but what a neat blessing to have all that food in your yard! :-) What do you use the cones for? Fire? We put the pine needles around blueberry bushes and other plants. Makes a nice mulch and the acid in them is good for most plants!

  2. Awesome to see a bit of where you live! Will have to stop by when I eventually make it over to Akaroa....haven't got there yet! LUCKY you to have a cranberry bush!!!!! they are SO expensive instore! cranberry and apple cake for autumn... :-)
