The first "Our Daily Chronicles" ran out of space! So, we have begun Chapter Two. If you want to pop back and catch up on what has been happening up till now, just go to

Monday 2 September 2013


Because we have the best log fire, we use it lots... so we ordered our third load for the winter... 
this time half a truck 
(double our normal order).

The wood forced an issue.

We had nowhere to store it.

Mike and Heath set to, and built a woodshed out of various pieces of wood and corregated iron all around the place. 

Follow the progress to the finished result.

Pass quickly, or you will find yourself bored!

And finally!

Only a bit in so far, but now it is full!!

Come on over and enjoy  a warm fire and some hot date scones sometime!


Yeah, so I was inside one quiet winters day and happenstance to look out the window...

almost freaked...

actually, DID freak...

saw this HUGE black PIG eating its way up our driveway!

Ended up chasing it out with a broom and closing the gate!

The joys of country living!

Couldn't get up the steps!

But then a week later, back he (she) came! 

 This time Heath was home.

He got the leaf blower out and chased her... 

She ran and ran... the noise of the blower and the air shooting at her.

Why didn't I think of that!

By now, we had found out where she lived

and which fence she kept escaping through,

so we leaf-blowered her back home!

(A good hike down the road!)


For my (56th) birthday

Mike and Heath got me (us) a garden archway.

When you come to visit, you will enter through it!

It was assembled in the lounge...

(as you do)

and put in its new place the next day!

I am SO in love with the Japonica

Another wee gorgeous birthday gift 

(Thank you, Rebecca!)

(LOVE the fact she gave me one of her own aged pots as part of the gift!)

Some flowers (etc) from Rosemary and David (and Una) 

and  the tiny white shelf
(Thanks Rose!!)

Thanks Una for the gorgeous soap!

And Rosemary pruned our rose bushes as a Birthday gift!

Showing me what to do!

Then Ollie Kate took me to the
Lincoln Tea House for afternoon tea!

Playing ladies is the BEST!

Thank you SO MUCH, Ollie!

and I stole Ollies photo for my blog too!


Not to mention all the other beautiful gifts!
Thank you so much everyone, for your wonderful thoughtfulness and generosity.

Tracey... Marilyn... Dad.... Rosalie.... Ivy..... Marianne...

and more!

It almost made it worth turning


Ivy and I went to Sweethearts at Berryfield's for a treat!

It was finger lickin' good!

Meringue special for me

and Pecan Pie for Ivy!

We popped in on Hilary and Les

 and these gorgeous luds were there!

Elliot and Oliver kindly obliged for the camera!


Went to Stedfast Brass annual concert

from my seat
waiting to begin

Chris brought Katie and Barry, and Gary


Visited Collets one day.

Loved the hat Mary knitted for him! SO cute!!

Dennis not so well now. Has the dialysis machine at home.

Mary picked me a root of flowering current to take home and plant!
The smell is gorgeous!

She has made her own "raised garden green house" from windscreens and a covering!!


Back home...

our Magnolia is in full bloom - breathtaking...

Heath playing a spot of pool at our local pub down the road... our Saturday night  supper of light repast ..

Enjoying our usual Saturday lunch... date scones... in the sun on the decking...


The Cheskins Peach Orchard (over the road from us) is in flower.

Literally every day, cars upon cars stop and take photos as it is such a magnificent sight.

Merle and Lew had a couple of days in Chch
It was her birthday...
we went to The Colombo

and ate up nicely!

Lew wanted it all!

Amazing creations


Interesting and surprising details

Average summer temps 20.8
(How embarrassing!)

Average winter temps 11.4
(Nowhere near as bad as what I thought!)


Then it was Ollie Kates birthday!

Friday night the Clan went to Tutto Bene

When  the noise gets too loud
or the conversation runs out
or he has nothing else to do

he has kindle!

Hey there!

Jeremy and Heath

Steve and Mike

Love the progressive conversation

Lil sis wrote a card- poem to commemorate the birthday!

Ahhhhhh... it was the BESTEST night EVER!!!!


Stan and Jono came out for Saturday lunch and afternoon and tea!

We worked!!!

Heath and Jono did the whole house guttering

We took about 6 photos of Heath throwing the muck down into the barrow... and this is the only one with it.
See the teeny weeny black stuff falling?

Afternoon tea time!
Stan did SO much. Pruned back the grape vine and countless other jobs that we had NO idea
what and how to do them!
Thank you Stan!!

Mike has a new contraption to prune trees up high.. very clever!

These are on their fourth year!


And now, it is

and I am back out to the garden to
See you soon!

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