The first "Our Daily Chronicles" ran out of space! So, we have begun Chapter Two. If you want to pop back and catch up on what has been happening up till now, just go to

Thursday 17 January 2013


The conversation went like this:

Heath (one day after school in casual, nonchalant tones): Mum, have you ever been to a prizegiving at school?

Me: Hmmmm (thinking long and hard, mind stretching faaaar back into the recesses of time), No, I don't THINK so.... I'd have to have longer to think about this.....

Heath: Would you like to go to one?

Me:   That would be fun.   Why?   Have you won a prize or something?

Heath:   (More nonchalant than ever)... Yeah, Year 12 Engineering Prize!

Me:  What?????  This is awesome!   Picked him up and swung him around, for joy  (not really! He's taller than me now!)

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