The first "Our Daily Chronicles" ran out of space! So, we have begun Chapter Two. If you want to pop back and catch up on what has been happening up till now, just go to

Thursday 17 January 2013


We also took Dad's boat this year, so Heath towed it, and Mike also towed the caravan.
We stopped for the night on the way down on a roadside rest area,  just outside Geraldine...

On the road again the next morning!



You don't often get a view as perfect as this!

Met Dad and Marilyn also traveling down, so met them at Tarras (40? mins from Glendhu Bay) at the 
Tarras Village, for lunch!


Myles and Julia on the beach!

Mike, Heath and I went to one of the many little bays taking our picnic tea one night!

It was on one of these boat rides when Heath was doing some spinnies, that my camera somehow got swamped!  We dried it all out, but the photos were very light from now on.
We did get a new camera once home from holiday!

A beautiful calm evening on the lake....
looking across to Wanaka township.

I went for a walk up the back of the hills. So 'back country' beautiful. 
So peaceful and silent, except for for the sounds of nature.

Mt Aspiring in the background.

Far below, down on the lake, Heath practiced spinnies!

Chris and Ruth R 'popped in' to stay a night in their camper. So awesome to visit with them!  
We all went back to the bay for tea breakfast next morning.

Chris and Heath on the beach ready to push out..

Something nice about the way the sun was caught here.
Some would say it ruined the photo, but I like it!

Hame popped over in his boat with his boys.
Mac, Jack, Nando, Mont, Heath.

Heath ate his on the boat.

Can't stop taking pics of the scenery.
You just want to drink and drink it in and keep it in you forever!

Photographs have been a wonderful discovery, 
but nothing can ever take the place of, or do justice to the real thing.


Mike turned 56 on the 29th December, so we went into The Lone Star for a birthday dinner celebration with Dad and Marilyn, and Gavin and Joy.
Awesome night!
Awesome meal!

Remembering Kent and Guy when you were both with us two years ago...
that Jack Daniels mud-cake is still on the menu!!

There is a fresh water spring in the township which a kind person has donated from it's source to all who want to drink it.
It is very 'sweet' water if you can imagine what I mean. Very pure. 
It comes out in three places.

Gavin took us to the first source where it appeared...

This is the third and final source, and has been made into a feature.

Every day, all day long, no matter when you drive past, you see people at all three sources, with large containers, small containers and walkers and cyclists with their water bottles, all taking this beautiful water!

We went back to Gavin and Joy's for coffee to complete the evening, 
and there was the most beautiful full moon.
We spent ages just looking and marveling!


My sister and two of her children arrived from Scotland!   
Here is Marilyn, Tracey (and I)  sitting in the rain at a cafe in Wanaka.

Back at the camp....

beside our caravan, looking down towards Fiona and Steven's...

Mike and I went to Cardrona to the supposedly oldest pub in NZ for lunch.
(However, last week I was in the Upper Moutre and saw another 'oldest NZ pub', so who really knows!)
Sounds good anyway!

This Cardrona one is where all the NZ Speights ads are done!

BBQ tea.
We would often bring our own family's food, then cook together and eat together. 
Worked out really well!

Mike, Rupert and Steve

Packing up to go back to Christchurch!
Daniel and Rupert gave Heath a hand with the tent.

Interesting to note the faces and body language of all these kids amongst us as it was time to pack up and go.

Could one live like this for an indefinite time??
Or does work, school and normal activities become attractive again??

 And finally, the last supper!
Actually morning coffee!
Three sisters .... somehow we got into the funny things of life and we laughed and laughed and laughed ....
till it was time to part.

Fiona, Tracey and co stayed another 5 days, but we had to get home for a night, swap holiday gear and clothes for different things, and then head off to Nelson for Estelle's funeral.


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