The first "Our Daily Chronicles" ran out of space! So, we have begun Chapter Two. If you want to pop back and catch up on what has been happening up till now, just go to

Monday 11 November 2013


Dad, Marilyn and Ivy came to stay for the weekend. We had such a fabulous time!

Friday night we had a few out.

Saturday, we took a long drive around all the eastern bays. Picnicking en route!

Sossies for lunch at the Heritage Park!

Sunday night, Gillian and Bruce came to dinner.

Marilyn made her famous Tapas.

Possibly (probably)  my favourite meal of all meals!

Monday was the annual Flower Trail.

18 homes in the Little River vicinity opened their gardens for the public.

We only ended up going to FIVE!!!  We took far too long, enthralled and fascinated at each one... but five was good!

Random pics of things we saw and liked.....

Caught - this old vehicle peeking out of an overgrown shed!!!

A cute eco cottage you could hire and stay in... 

with an eco toilet....
(we hope to emulate this for our cottage!)

With our purchases... 
Dad bought me two Gooseberry bushes in memory of Mum... her Gooseberry pies will go on!! 


That afternoon, Dad and Heath did some target practice... 


Then Mike, Dad and Heath tried out Harry's chipper... 

while Marilyn planted our new tomatoes
(and we spread blood and bone everywhere else!)

and I kept snapping more photos!


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