The first "Our Daily Chronicles" ran out of space! So, we have begun Chapter Two. If you want to pop back and catch up on what has been happening up till now, just go to

Monday 11 November 2013


Uncle Edwin is Mums youngest brother.

I have not been in touch with most of Uncle Edwin's children, my cousins, for at least 40 years.
I have visited Uncle Edwin and Aunty Nyla from time to time.
I had the privilege of being invited to his 80th birthday event.

It was sooooooo awesome to meet all my cousins again!  

It was like an incredibly warm family reunion.

The girls and I, 4 of them, clicked immediately... and it felt like we'd known each other all our lives.

The whole experience was so deliciously wonderful!
(I know that sounds all gooey and soppy, but truly, it is such an apt description!)

Eddie and Nyla

The Family.
Minus Dean, who was unwell and couldn't attend.

Left to right:
(Me), Lorraine, Helen, Eddie, Tony, Nyla, Diane, Sharon.

Eddie and his eldest daughter (a bit older than me), Helen.

Eddie with Tony

Sharon, Gordon, daughter and husband and grandchildren!

Diane, her two daughters, and grandchildren.

Lorraine and Paul
No pics of their children sadly, Lucy and James.

Tony and his son, Solomon (18)

Paul was the MC and gave a fine talk about Eddie.

Time to cut his cake (made by Diane?? I think)

Then Eddie gave his speech. 
It was short and to the point.
He was a little emotional....
and so was I....
and I think everyone else was too....

He told us all that his family meant everything to him, 
and he loved them all dearly.

It was a special word for his family.


Eddie and Mums mother.

A little photo board of precious memories.

Tragically, only a week or so later,
their second child, Dean, passed away with a massive heart attack.

This photo was on the funeral brochure, but was taken when he was quite young.

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