These pics (might) be a tad boring.... but I keep them for my own record!
Skim on through!
Found wild potatoes everywhere so transplanted them to one spot.
Might not grow... but will take that chance!
Strawberries flourishing
More strawberries... self sown and spreading...
Thyme growing over the rock
The brazier which won Heath the engineering prize last year....
He decided to place it in the 'pond' and burn off some rubbish sticks etc!
(First time to try it out!!)
Fire all set and ready to light
Extinguisher at the ready!
(Mikes orders!)
On with the accelerant!!
Light 'er up!
Away with a flourish!
Jonathan and Stan came to stay a few days.
They stayed out in the cottage, and one night a possum came snooping...
so they both went possum hunting in the deep dark night hours...
and Jonathan got it.
Next day, to bury it under the grape vine.
Um.... bit awkward...
he dug up the last possum which Heath already put there a few weeks back...
not a pretty sight...
or smell!
We inherited a huge pile of many years worth of garden rubbish in the middle of the very back lawn.
Jono thought about having a burn off.
But in spite of much smoke and hullabaloo
The fire wouldn't make the grade.
Jonathan kindly spread the trailer load of Alexandra Gold Schist in the vege garden paths.
Stan got into a massive trim of the front garden Camellia tree.
Jono slipped away for a wee break for a few hours!
He flew to the USA and back!
Stan kept finding more to do (yay!!!) and I took this through the kitchen window!
We were SO grateful for all the help!!!
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